Mobile technology has rapidly entered the workplace, meaning employees enjoy more flexibility to work on the move. And as businesses grow, Mobility is viewed as essential in the business world.
Wireless LAN access facilitates user mobility by allowing the user to freely roam inside the company premises, while maintaining network connectivity. Wireless WAN access offers more bandwidth than
traditional connectivity methods and serves as a viable backup solution to a physical link. This constant 'on-the-go' connectivity improves employee productivity, increases revenue and overcomes factors
critical to success in any business,In this context, SEI provides the following integrated wireless solutions: Wireless LAN
Solutions using Alcatel-Lucent /Aruba products where a mesh of wireless access point is configured, installed and managed through the controller on the network to provide coverage for the desired area.
A list of DECT and Wireless IP sets and smartphones are available to be integrated and used on the same WLAN Applications
OmniTouch Instant Communications Suite for Enterprise.
OmniTouch My Instant Communicator Mobile.
OmniTouch My Cellular Extension.
All the above applications are supporting the mobility solution.