
Today, with the booming of open technology infrastructure, needs a robust security solution to protect from unwanted access, and prevent external breech to the resources of the Company's internal network, while keeping access to the internet's non- business sites under close control. Integrated-Tec Offshore Sal provides full security solutions to prevent attacks originated from the inside and the outside of the company's network boundary,These solutions include: Host integrity and check solution to enforce end-system compliancy. It offers a seamless, secure and scalable enterprise network access control (NAC) solution through its embedded network security framework. This framework includes a comprehensive security solution for verifying endpoint integrity through host integrity checking (HIC). Unified threat management solutions. It delivers specialized security solutions to protect against sophisticated network and content-based threats delivering purpose-built hardware and software that improves performance, increases protection and reduces costs. Detects and eliminates viruses, worms and spyware in real time. Scans incoming and outgoing e-mail attachments (SMTP, POP3, IMAP) and all FTP and HTTP traffic, including web-based e-mail. Data encryption solution: solutions deliver enterprise data protection that defends data wherever it goes. It encrypts e-mail traffic and disk files through an easy to use, automatic and transparent product.